Monday, January 23, 2012

in which our heroine finds herself writing about gender issues again

I saw Haywire yesterday, which is a fine movie. And I mean just that. It's fine. It promises to be 90 minutes of watcing a former American Gladiatrix beat up a bunch of really good-looking guys, and it delivers exactly that, plus it managed to actually make me kind of sad when one of those guys died. Pathos, amirite? The only thing that I didn't like about the movie was the guy sitting next to me, who, besides being a BTS (borderline two-seater) was also the kind of person who talks during movies. Not to another person. To the screen. He kept saying "Daaaaamn, this chick's insane!" over and over again, usually in response to her bashing some guy's (very pretty) face into a fixed object. Except, she wasn't insane. Everything she did was quite rational. It was skillful. It was, occasionally, clever. She wasn't insane. He just thought she was insane because she's a woman, and she's being extremely violent. Purposefully, rather than reactively violent. And women aren't supposed to be violent. Not even to save their own lives.

(hot guys)

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